Years of experience Imf
The Inchausti Martinez family: experience of three generations
In 1946 the "Sanitary Installer" Mr. Juan Inchausti García started with the manufacture of household items. The company underwent its first major transformation in the mid 50s and became known as "The artists from Logroño (Spain)". From then the artistic aspects of our designs evolved to the advantage of the functionality.
In 1966 his son, José Luis Inchausti Duarte, renamed the company "Infema SA", highlighting a period of strong growth for decades. At the beginning of the 20th century from the hand of the third generation of the family Inchausti, Imf took the road to internationalization and was renamed to "Imf Kitchen Supplies SA".
Due to the rapid growth and aligned product development, the program quickly grew to more than 2.000 references, with sales on several continents, in addition to producing branded products for third parties and major distribution promotions.
Imf is currently focusing on new innovative technologies, investing in manufacturing processes, improve the quality management and environmental protection, while maintaining its main goal: value creation.
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